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ACT & Southern Tablelands Weedspotter


The aim of this project is to involve community members in the early detection and reporting of weeds so that ACT government and NSW council weeds officers can respond quickly to minimise the potential spread of problem weeds.

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  • Ongoing
Citizen Sciencenswtumutqueanbeyancoomalocal land servicesgoulburnecology & environmentbiodiversityyassllsnrmweedssouth eastsouthern tablelandssnowy rivermulwareebombalapalerangmonaroweedlachlan councilmulwaree, nrm, act, council, palerang, wingecaribee, queanbeyan, yass, shire, bombala, goulburn, lls, south east, lachlan, weed, nsw, local land services, snowy river, southern tablelands, monaro, tumut, cooma, weedsshirewingecaribee act
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More Information

The ACT and Southern Tablelands Weedspotter project is a partnership between the ACT government, Palerang Council and other Councils across the southern tablelands of NSW, as well as the South East Local Land Services Region.

Knowing the distribution abundance and movement of weeds, as well as having mechanisms for early detection and intervention is vital in effectively managing weed spread and preventing them from becoming established in areas which have not yet been infected. This project provides tools for citizen scientists and weed management officers to work together to detect and manage weeds throughout the region.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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